Friday, May 27, 2005
Nothing really
I came across
this on my blogpatrol log. Its Spanish, I guess. Has anyone ever seen anything like this ??
Not that I am idle these days, its one of those work moment respites that leads me into such unexplored territories and activities of the web. There's enough happening at the moment for me to actually stop, stand and let the events sink in. While I continue to love and live my share of life, folks around are leaving for vacations, calendars choc-a-bloc with deadlines and friends bidding farewells. I am waiting for that last elusive drop of water clinging stubbornly to the leaf, to fall into my parched throat. Then, I too shall leave, one day.
Posted by Dewdrop ::
9:40 PM ::
14 Scribbles!
Scribble your mind!