Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Friday, July 08, 2005

Yesterday was painful

London terror news are everywhere. BBC reports the current death toll is 37, with 700 injured. NYC was on full alert yesterday when the news of deadly attacks in London rattled the world. Thousands of military personnel flooded the city subways, busses, trains, tunnels, bridges and waterways by the time people started their morning commute.

What is the world coming to? All you see in news is civil wars, holy wars, terror attacks, climatic problems, poverty, economic slumps, and so much trouble in the Middle East. I think we really don't deserve to rule the planet at all. I don't know who to hate more, the terrorists or the administrations who've failed to keep their people safe.

After 911, last year’s Madrid train blasts, and now the London bombings, I just cant imagine the trauma of getting up on a normal day and trudging off to work, only to experience something so deadly. Come on, these were innocent people going about their daily life. It could be any of us. I just don't get it! I feel so horrible, am going to stop thinking too far ahead. The new Yorkers are concerned that this type of attack might be replicated in their city but the Governor reassures the people that there is the best security in the world to protect them. Oh well! I believe whats going to happen is going to happen, we cant stop or alter our daily schedules.

My friend, Kaps made a related thought provoking post/rant, if you care to read.

God bless and may all you out there be safe.

Posted by Dewdrop :: 2:39 PM :: 13 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
