Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Good morning world

There is something amazingly fresh about gentle Spring mornings. The lazy looking sun mirrors my lethargy of getting up for the grind as it spreads its bright arms around. The beauty of the sparkly dew on the greeneries shows the miracle nature made after the depressing winter. I feel elated about life; its calmness and tranquility.

As I gather around the porch, my discerning senses hear the chirping of astir birds blend into the tinkling of the wind chimes.

Creame doughnuts with a hot cup of cinnamon tea sets my palate moving. Welcome a wonderful morning!

Thought of this lovely day:
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope.

Posted by Dewdrop :: 11:06 AM :: 7 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
