Friday, July 15, 2005
Words to the wise
Life is not simple as you would like it to be. Its basically a jigsaw puzzle with good pieces and bad. Looking within, you realize you have been the cause of many unresolved issues. Ignore those irregular pieces and pick out the golden pieces to run your life by. Stick to your guns and face the storm and the matters will get resolved. Consolidate your position before you fall into deeper trouble.
Change is a process of growth. Resisting growth is a very natural thing for stubborn people. The lingering thought usually is that the grass could be greener on the other side, and you need to get there. Change may make you a new person with new dreams and a more innovative way of looking at life. And then nothing can stop you from reaching the top. Be in tune with yourself.
Expectations others have in you, causes constant pressure in your personal or professional life. You tend to become awe and sometimes the envy of many. Manage a balance and stay on top of things.
Opportunities come in variety of ways. Choosing the best can tap your potentials. Excited by challenges you want to move ahead with confidence. Ignore the tough competition and the rivals who may be up to unfair scheming. Smile and sail to the shore of success.
Decision making for fickle minded people is quite tricky. Manipulating the situation may seem to be a good option but one has to tread carefully and rethink their options. Making incorrect choices can take you upto the wrong path. Experience brings learning. Give yourself the necessary adjustment/learning time and let things fall into place on its own.
Wishes are what we humans are made of. There are so many wishes and so little time. You wish you had a magic wand to fulfill each of your desires. But hey, you don’t need a wand. The future is yours to take. Remember nobody and nothing can bring you authentic happiness other than yourself.
Faith is not just a feeling. Its being certain that the big picture is beautiful. Life starts and ends with faith. Once you put faith in yourself, you can conquer the world.
Start your days with a smile, wish others well and watch the future world unfold itself for your best.
Posted by Dewdrop ::
1:40 PM ::
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