Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Super Seven

Tagged by Southpaw, here's my super seven

Seven things I plan to do: Whatever I plan never works, so I changed this title to:
Seven things I want to do:
  1. Travel around the world
  2. Own a business of my own
  3. Win a lotto
  4. Win some award
  5. Make anonymous charities
  6. Go on a pilgrim
  7. Spread happiness
Seven things I can do:

  1. Stain glass painting
  2. Be stubborn
  3. Keep a secret
  4. Forgive
  5. Change moods in a blinker
  6. Read all day long
  7. Hurt myself

Seven things I can't do:

  1. Spew sarcasm
  2. Curse or use foul language
  3. Quit being languorous
  4. Wear high heels
  5. Sing in public
  6. Live without my family
  7. Shape my own eyebrows

Seven things I say most often:

  1. Awesome
  2. Seriously
  3. Leave me alone
  4. Are you okay?
  5. I guess
  6. Take care
  7. Kya re

A few additions of my own.....

Seven things I should be doing:

  1. Filling up my time log
  2. Writing a project report
  3. Catching up with old friends
  4. Buying a new cell phone
  5. Taking a long vacation
  6. Decluttering my mind
  7. Going for a walk

Seven things I must try:

  1. Para gliding
  2. A Dave Barry book
  3. Starbucks new flavor- Columbia Narino Supremo
  4. Making bakhlawa
  5. Staying up late hours :P
  6. A digital dictionary
  7. Yahoo messenger

Seven things on my mind:

  1. Concerns about a sick relative
  2. Plans for rest of the week
  3. Delightful smell of wet earth
  4. Swaying palm trees
  5. Email from a blogmate
  6. Complexities of life
  7. Daddy

Seven people I want to pass this tag to:

I guess most of my blog contacts have been tagged so whoever wants to do this timepass meme, please feel free to tag yourself :)

Posted by Dewdrop :: 11:00 PM :: 50 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
