Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Privacy means public

In this age of 'Too much information' and ‘Who cares’ attitude, our privacy is going public.

The lines of privacy are persistently being crossed with cell phones ring toning off the hook on subways and buses, in stores, restaurants, theaters and even on streets while just walking around. Innumerable loquacious people chat incessantly and shamelessly forgetting the reason why phone booths with doors once existed.

We seem to be on a spree. We text, instant and voice message the most mundane yet personal information. 'Dr. sez I’m fine, xrays normal.' Or 'Waiting for bus, just bought stay free pads'. Since when did sharing such information become normal? We’re so willing to talk about our privacy in public that most of us do it without even realizing it.

Its funny considering how much money and time we spend trying to keep our abodes safe. We have secured doors, windows and alarm systems for our homes and firewalls for our computers. We keep passwords for our bank accounts, emails, and online purchases. Some of us even have very watchful landlords. Like the one I once heard yelling at the superintendent across the street, 'We’ve had complaints of your tenents walking around nude in their apartments.'

Maybe its all okay. After all, seeing the same people over and over again, gives us a familial feeling. May be its this reason why we tend to dress in un matching, wrinkled clothes with our hair askew when we go to the nearest convenience store or the laundry room. Sure, we hope not to bump into anyone we know, but at the same time do we really care? Same applies when we run to the mailbox or walk the dog. Who cares that the guy in opposite apartment saw me in my ripped pajamas? I saw him in his bathrobe the other day.

How bad is it being subjected to people spitting, arguing, urinating, flossing, nose picking (even with tissues, it’s still picking, folks), and even kissing and cuddling in public?

Perhaps some people feel they are invisible in big cities

Posted by Dewdrop :: 12:03 PM :: 35 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
