Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Monday, August 22, 2005

Fib revealed

Sorry to keep you enthusiastic souls waiting so long. As promised I am here to announce the winners. First, lets decrypt each of the statements

1. I am possessive and stubborn
Fact. I am possessive and stubborn to the point of no return. What’s mine is mine...rest can go for public utility. :)

2. I have visited Iraq twice
Fact. No I am not obsessed by war rages, my trip was strictly of a religious nature and I do carry some gruesome memories of grave injustice people perpetuate against one another

3. I suffer from chronic anemia
Many thought this was a fib. Misleading, but a Fact. Discovered this about me only a year ago. Iron supplements? where art thou?

4. I prefer blues to greens
Fact. Though I am a nature lover, I hold clear blues dearer than the lush greens. Blue to me is unadulterated, pure, soothing, refreshing, cool, sparkling and energetic. Wonder why it’s associated with melancholy.

5. I hate changes
Fact. They say Change is a process of growth. I think resisting growth is a very natural thing for stubborn people like moi. I hate changes, it makes me uneasy, uncomfortable and uncertain of new innovative ways

6. I am perennially insomniac
Ahh, now this is tricky. The only moment sleep evades me is when I am uneasy or when something has really gone wrong. Otherwise I enjoy sleep to the envy of my folks. I could fall asleep on any given time so much that I can sleep up to 14 hours a dayJ
-So yes this is a fib!

7. Little objects symbolize a lifetime of memories for me
Fact. And Im sure for you too. I for one, treasure the smallest of things that might seem junk or insignificant to many only to ruminate over it later on.

8. Of the 7 deadly sins (pride, lust, covetousness, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony) sloth is my favorite
Another fact that decieved a few. And in the words of Rousseau - I love idleness. I love to busy myself about trifles, to begin a hundred things & not finish one of them, to come & go as my fancy bids me, to change my plan every moment, to follow a fly in all its circling, to try & uproot a rock to see what is underneath, eagerly begin a ten year’s task & to give it up after ten minutes; in short, to fritter away the whole day inconsequentially & incoherently, & to follow nothing but the whim of the moment.

9. I can cry non stop for hours
Fact, but please nobody try and test me :)

10. I can cook pretty well but I am not too fond of cooking
Fact. This doesn’t mean that I’d never invite you over for a dinner ;)

And now time to crown the winners:

Congratulations Zombie, Z000n and Nupur. You made it right with your guesses.
And your prize is you can ask me one question of your choice and I will try my best to answer it.

IV, and Keshi.
I loved the way you applied your logic, You were silly to deter just cos you thought Zombie picked the right one. And Keshi, your answers created some doubts for Zombie and Z00nie’s pick, lol

Strawy, Rohit, Fira, Southpaw, Charmer, Musing, Puneet, Akshay, Pari, Manish, Avik, Gaurav, Ice Princess, Pithaly, Icey, C, Pearl - Thanks for trying and your prize is dinner with a celebrity of your choice. Count the dates unconfirmed though ;)

K-band, I was forced by Zombie to lie, varna you know main jhooth nahin boltee :D

Oh, this meme was so much fun, thanks again my winner friend!

Posted by Dewdrop :: 11:45 AM :: 46 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
