Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What number are you?

We are nothing but a number. Our future is predicted by a number. Every stage of our life is based on having a sequence of right numbers. At birth, we're classified by weight and height. While in school, marks and grades permeate our educational phase and what follows is the mother of all numbers - our graduating percentages and scores. Whether or not that number is accurate, it helps in making or breaking our future, and ultimately determines our succeeding numbers like salary, bank balance and 401K.

We're identified by our age, social security numbers, bank account numbers, pin numbers, passwords, drivers licence number, zip codes, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and shoe size. We are a piece of statistics and ratings which will follow us through retirement.

Numbers are what we’ve become and how we delimitate our self-worth. Whatever happened to being pegged as humane?

Posted by Dewdrop :: 4:13 PM :: 15 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
