Friday, April 28, 2006
Rising Gas Prices
Gasoline is a commodity, a great smelling liquid, turning expensive. I have
ranted and whined in the past. Now I am so tired of people complaining about the soaring gas prices. I know it’s a pinch to our wallets, but I've come to realize its really is a good thing. High prices open up the market for alternative and cleaner sources of energy. If we start using the alternate sources of energy we lessen our dependency on Middle East, and less dependency means less meddling, less terrorism and less threat.
Also high gas will hopefully encourage people to walk more. I recently read an article which said an average American walks only 1.5 miles a week. That’s awfully pathetic. No wonder we have serious issues with obesity. I implore every American reader to put down their car keys and walk.
I admire Brazil for gaining independance by completely converting to ethanol. We must commit to do the same and realize that oil is a non renewable resource, meaning our long term supply will never go up, the demand will always be there, crippling us as a country. We will never win the war on oil.
So people save gas and your money, stop idling your engine, use AC only when necessary, carpool, use public transportation, cut down several road trips and moreover walk.
Posted by Dewdrop ::
11:14 AM ::
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