Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Thursday, September 01, 2005

My gifts for the government

The most contentious issues of the sky rocketing prices of fuel has been the topic of discussion all throughout the US

Last eve while driving toward my aunt’s home, I saw a price of $2.67 per gallon at HESS, while $2.85 at the Mobile gas station. I wanted to fill up my tank, but since I was running late, I thought I’d do it on my way back. On my way back not more than 3 hours on the same route, I noticed HESS increased its price to $3.15 and Mobile to $3.19. Anyone driving a vehicle would notice such fluctuating price of gas as its hitting record highs, and now Hurricane Katrina is being used as an excuse by the energy companies for yet another price hike. Unlike previous energy crisis, there is neither a shortage of supply nor an attempt by any oil producing nations to withhold oil from American markets. Nor are the energy companies doing bad financially, then why is it that the voices of concern being raised in the country not being mirrored by the government?

Unless I am watching the wrong TV news channels or reading the wrong newspapers, I don’t seem to recall anyone from the Democrats or the Republicans speak out against this absurdly high fuel prices. There seems to be no interest from either party to investigate this matter and the notion of price gouging isn’t being raised inside the Beltway.

I am so tempted to send our elected Congressmen bulks of throat lozenges, eye drops and ear wax removal solutions as gifts because it appears like they have lost their voices and have trouble seeing and hearing what is happening beyond their hubs. Oh by the way, my gifts are not intended for President Bush. He has his voice and he can see and hear the growing dissatisfaction. But a person, who takes a 5 week vacation and lectures the country about making sacrifices, it’s clear that he does not need throat lozenges, eye drops and ear wax removal solutions. He needs enema!

Posted by Dewdrop :: 11:49 AM :: 43 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
