Radiant Dreamscapes
Radiant Dreamscapes

Thursday, August 25, 2005

We are too shallow

It seems like these days looks come first, everything else second, if at all. The problem with our society is not that we are too pretty or too sexy, but rather too snobby and lazy.

What happened to being compatible? What happened to the intellectual stimulation? What happened to the emotional attachment and spiritual connection between people? When and why did these fundamental elements of meaningful relationship stop being important all of a sudden? Why do we not take time anymore to actually listen, understand and learn about the person, without discrediting them right away based on their inferior (to ours) looks?

Who are we to judge other people’s appearances anyway? In this constantly accelerating pace of life, I fear too many of us have become too busy, too important and too full of ourselves to slow down, appreciate and respect another person’s individuality.

As an old saying goes, one should not judge a book by its cover, and nowhere is this more pertinent than in today’s hypocritical society.

Note: This post is just my rant as to what I am seeing/hearing/reading around me off-late. It has absolutely no resemblance wiith any blogger, thanks.

Posted by Dewdrop :: 12:17 PM :: 31 Scribbles!

Scribble your mind!
